Shobhit Narain Agarwal
Life Coach, Career Counsellor, Corporate trainer and a Spiritualist, Shobhit began working since 2007 in various organisations such as Kiran Gems Pvt Ltd., Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council, Lal Bahdur Shastri Institute of Management and Development Studies and Lalji Ornament House (Family Business).
His passion for people, training and mental care led him to setup Golden Future in 2012.

Dr. Anjali Gupta
Consultant RCI licensed, Senior Clinical Psychologist, Therapist and Healer, serving people since more than 25 years.
She received visiting psychology award from University of Glasgow for her program of psychological assessment of brain damage patients within United Kingdom.

Dr. Alka Agrawal
Counselling Psychologist, Colour Therapist, Acupressure Therapist, Nutritionist, Training IPS (Indian Police Service) officers and working since 1984 as a Human Behaviourist.

E. V. Gireesh
A dynamic Trainer and Counsellor with passion for excellence and creativity, He is a well-known Trainer across industries for his unique style and ability to inspire people.
He has taken training programs at ISRO – Indian Space Research Organization, NPCIL – Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd, IIT Madras, Roorkee, Patna, JNU, Indian Army, L&T, ICAI, ICSI, Tata Motors, TCS, Tata Power etc

Dr Rupal Shah
Consultant Licensed Psychologist & Healer, B.A.M.S., M.A., P.G.D.C.H., P.G.D.R.P., Ph.D. (Psychology) working as Consultant Rehabilitation Psychologist at Global Hospital Trauma Centre, Abu Road, Rajasthan since 2009. Providing Healthy life style counseling to cure and prevent psychosomatic diseases, Stress- grief counseling, Marital counseling, Family counseling, Psychological counseling(adult, children and adolescent), De-addiction counseling to the clients/patients and staff of the hospital (org). Conduct assessment through various educational and psychological tests, diagnose and treating adults as well as children through various therapies.

Dr. Rashmi Soni
Associate Professor, HOD, Department of Education, Sri Jai Narain P.G. College, University of Lucknow.
Research interest in Higher Education, Adolescent Psychology Emotional Intelligence, Life Skills & Attitudinal Change & Personality Development.

Datta Rokade
12 years experience in Life Coaching & Soft Skills Trainings, Consulting, Business Development and Client Relationship Management. He is a Personal Empowerment Coach & Corporate Facilitator.
He uses experiential learning methodology, applicable tools based on research and experience, many activities, Games, Role-Plays, Group-Discussions, Case- Studies etc. to derive the learning’s.

Dr S. Kumar Singh
He is a professional corporate trainer, healer and Rajyoga practioner since 32 years. He is a textile engineer, PG in psychoneurobics and hypnotherapy from Tamil Nadu Physical Education & Sports University, Chennai.
He has conducted more than 1000 seminars and workshops in India and Abroad. He has been a playback singer for few film songs and TV serials. He was also a TV actor as well as state level hockey player.

Dr Avneesh Agrawal
Recipient of Bharat Gaurav Award and Best Citizen of India, She aspires to be a healer and a spiritual counsellor. Though she is Prof. of Education at Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Lucknow. Some of her popular books are Frustration Tolerance and Enlightening Educational Essays.

Mrs. Kumkum Agarwal
Founder and Managing Trustee of Golden Future Public Charitable Trust. She has years of deep work experience in handling public affairs and management.
The backbone of Golden Future. She is spiritually inclined and has a special affection for children.